simply too sleepy
The superior medical officer enters the ward and the subordinates all clump around the recently arrived boss, forming the morning huddle for bedside rounds. It's a universal experience for anyone in medical training. It is a great opportunity for learning, to interact closely with someone with more clinical experience.
One new patient had been admitted over the night's duty. As the chart was reviewed, some pages for past medical history, family history, immunization were still blank. On inquiry, the youngest in charge replied that no one had informed her regarding the admission and so the pages were not completed. The inquiry was addressed upward one level: Weren't we all on duty last night, and was this really a team that had no communication among its members?
Most of the time, the youngest gets a scolding or worse, for revealing an error or weakness in the next few levels. Especially when the truth was that they had all waited together for the patient to arrive, in fact, the youngest had called the transporting department several times during the night to facilitate admission, being the one immediately in charge of the patient. The mid level doctor in training just nodded, no words were said then or afterward when the superior medical officer had left. She was simply too sleepy to remember.
Today, we were all more mature than the top Doc.
By mjc @ 8:09 AM