Monday, October 13, 2008
Looking back and ahead
An archive of memories, this blog is. We're still a work in progress and reading through the past blogs was both a sigh of relief-- for having surpassed that time in our life, the sorrows of clerkship, the anxiety of the Boards; and at the same time a reminder that we could not relax yet, there's still so much we have to work for, we have to train, hone our skills, to get to where we really want to be. I wonder where the other bloggers are, what they're up to. Do they still write? I hope they haven't turned into medical robots. With their big hearts, I'm sure they're far from becoming that. I know raksha will not stop writing. I myself have several blogs, only they're outdated. I try to update sometimes. Like now, I can write about what it's like working in the hospital with a precious baby in my tummy. I'm trying to be positive everyday-- that my baby will come out healthy with 10 fingers and 10 toes, with brains as good as his father, and looks that take on mine. Everything normal inspite of the risky environment mom has to be in. I administer general anesthesia everyday with no scavengers in the operating rooms. I see patients everyday and God knows what other illness they have. And I walk around one of the biggest hospitals in the country and get very little sleep during duty nights. And the food in the canteen, I'm not too sure if how much MSG they have. Not very optimal. But baby's moving a lot and I take that as a good sign. And all my colleagues in the same field have healthy kids, and so I kind of take comfort in that. Things does not stop there. And when the baby comes out finally? Taking care of her will be another story and it's making me anxious. But I love the state that I'm in, and inspite and despite of all of the above rantings, I could only be thankful that I'm having our child. Like what my husband said, it's holding eternity at the palm of your hand. Or something like that.
By jadetv @ 9:44 PM
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