Saturday, December 31, 2005
4 months to go...
I just recently realized that we have completed more than half of our internship and finally it will all be over. Finally we will be able to take the board exams and get the coveted title of a DOCTOR. Time seemed to run so fast that last year we were just chossing our hospitals for internship and now it is almost complete. When we started our internship we had hopes that our dirty clerkship duties would be over but to my dismay, that was just too much to expect. Internship is like a crossroad for me. A crossroad between clerkship... a time when we were so used to getting orders, following what our residents tells us to do with the sole responsibility of monitoring our patients. Internship gave me greater responsibility, a chnace to hone our skills as physicians. It gave greater authority, I guess in some aspects. The white blazer really does make a big difference compared to the white V-necks and white shoes we once sported. But just thinking about it, with barely 4 mos to go, are we ready for another of level of responsibility once we become MD's? Well, that's yet to be answered....
By Jitney Girl @ 11:40 AM
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