From a hymn: When peace like a river attendeth my way, when sorrows like sea billows roll, whatever my lot, God hast taught me to say, Even so, it is well with my soul. Medical interns have a 3 day work week, all for this so-called noble profession, preduty 8 hrs, duty 24 to 34 hrs, from duty 5 to 8 hours and then again. We make rounds day in and day out, we run commonplace errands yet are responsible for human lives, we do all this for people unrelated to us, those not kith nor kin, then we have no time to spend with our families. We are broken in spirit by physical exhaustion, by psychological strain, by emotional bankruptcy. Medicine, friends, is a vocation. Only with the LORD can you say, it is well with my soul.
By mjc @ 10:09 PM