Tuesday, May 31, 2005
This blog has been dormant. Maybe close to death is more like it. Speaking of death, I thought I died during clerkship. But as you may have noticed, the last blog was a year ago. But I'm still here. And read the title once more. It says internship. Yes, I survived hell named clerkship (it was to me--well it wasn't that hellish, just something close to it. haha). And after two weeks, I'm back in the game. I'm now actually a month old Post-Graduate Intern in another hospital. So how do I find it? I've regained some of the spirit I lost last year. Where I work now is more healthy to my mental well-being. I hope it stays that way. I badly need to have my psyche stay in shape. I do want to be enthusiastic about my professional path. But I get frustrated so easily. I don't want to just survive. I now have my Doctor in Medicine degree, might as well make the best out of it. So here's wishing to a productive turning point, a winning transition phase between a mere med student and what some patients call a full-pledged doctor.
*Job description to follow.
By jadetv @ 8:31 PM
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